No Asset Management Fees

Because I offer ongoing, expert investment advice instead of asset management, my clients get smart portfolios without the ongoing drag of asset management fees. A client with $1M paying a typical 1% Assets Under Management (AUM) fee will avoid $10,000/yr in AUM fees.

Fiduciary Standard

As a Registered Investment Advisor, I am held to the highest ethical standard in the financial services industry. I have a legal requirement to act as a fiduciary and put your interests first.

No Commissions or Referral Fees

To better align my incentives to your best interest, I never sell investment or insurance products, and never accept commissions or referral fees.

Long-Term Investment Approach

I tune out the latest investing hype and focus on the long-term compounding of capital via low-cost, passive index funds. I deliver monthly tactical asset allocation targets, personalized for your risk and tax profile.

You're in Control

You don't have to move your investments under my control, give me custody of your assets, or even provide me with sensitive information like your SSN. And you’re never locked into a long-term contract. You can cancel at any time.

Human-Centered Planning

The mathematically optimal solution might not always be the best fit, so I present a spectrum of options. I also utilize the latest in behavioral science and psychology in my recommendations to increase your odds of success.


  1. A personalized investment plan that aims to achieve tax-efficient, long-term compounding of capital at your preferred risk-return level

  2. A proactive and comprehensive tax strategy that seeks to minimize your lifetime tax liability

  3. Cash flow and risk management guardrails to build wealth, achieve financial independence, and retire with confidence

  4. An expert advisor and partner in your corner with whom to assess the potential impacts of major life and business decisions

Where I WORK

Virtual Service Across Colorado & Nationwide